Tuesday, December 08, 2009

So Many Gurus, So Little Cash

Hello! David J here again bringing you more of the steps on my journey toward financial independence.

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

I've found that to be true in my own life. When I needed to learn something, the one(s) who could help me learn were always close at hand.

What I find interesting as I study the current methods of achieving success in today's economy is that there are indeed a great many resources out there if one is open to the possibilities.

Since much earlier in 2009, I've been discovering people doing very well in their field who have a great deal of information available in their free webinars. Webinars are typically run during the evening hours (U.S. Central time), and are usually on Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday evening, though lately some have been occurring on Monday and Wednesday evening, even Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

There's usually two or three to choose from in any given time slot. Get on enough mailing lists and you'll have plenty of choices for who to listen to on your computer. GoToWebinar is indeed a good thing!

Why do I listen to so many "gurus"? Why not just pick one and follow that person?

No one "guru" tells it all, and each one presents a somewhat different paradigm while presenting their information somewhat differently. The trick is to look for what the current presenter is telling that no one else has mentioned. One of them gives out one set of pieces to the puzzle, and another gives out a lot of the same pieces, but may give out different pieces that other presenters haven't mentioned. By listening to as many of them as you can find, one can gather a lot of puzzle pieces.

Thus, one can gain a significant education while only investing time and internet access resources and not a big wad of cash.

Yes, the free webinars ARE sales pitches - they have to cover their expenses SOMEhow!

...and, of course, what they're selling priced anywhere from $500 to $5,000 or more amounts to little more than $50 worth of paper, binders, CD or DVD blanks and cases. What you're paying for is the information it all contains. While economies of scale definitely figure into the scenario, by their own admission selling educational materials is indeed quite lucrative, which explains why every "guru" has a "course".

As you listen to your own selection of gurus and presenters, you are likely to find one or two whose message makes the most sense to you, and you come to understand what they are presenting. You will likely reach the point where you figure that these people you understand the best are the ones in whose materials you should invest.

My advice is to take your time, learn as much as you can first. THEN invest in a home study course or other program.

If possible, try to invest in a program of action: something which not only outlines the actions to take but also provides the means to hold yourself accountable for taking those actions and following up on the results.

In the end, it all comes down to this one basic principle:

Contrary to the old adage, "Knowledge is power", it really isn't. Knowledge is like the energy stored in a battery: it is only potential power. Knowledge becomes active - kinetic - power when you implement what you have learned by taking action on it.

We'll talk again soon!

Take care - be well!

Much Success!

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