Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crooked Furrows Vs. A Field Unplowed

Hello! David J here again bringing you more of the steps on my journey toward financial independence.

If you've been following this blog from the early posts, you've probably noticed that I'm getting a little better at it. The early posts ramble a bit and the focus often changes from the title subject to something related and back again, sometimes more than once in the same post.

That's really just a manifestation of one of my personal challenges. I'm a bit ADD, and as I'm writing, my focus tends to drift off onto tangents. Sometimes, I end writing multiple posts in one day, but actually publish very few of them.

One of my adopted mentors, Robert G. Allen, once said this about perfectionism and waiting until everything is just right: "I'd rather see a crooked furrow than a field unplowed".

That's from Robert Allen's "Wealth Training" cassettes, circa. the late 1980s, early 1990s.

Crooked furrows are a specialty with me. I think that drove my ex-wife nuts because I'm not hesitant to try something and have it not work. That's rather a good bit outside her paradigm.

As I'm going through this financial independence experience, I'm finding that I often end up proceeding on actions even though I would like to be better prepared to take those actions. Rather than feeling the confidence of preparedness, I end up falling back on the confidence of my own ability to pull things together, even if the actions taken earlier perhaps weren't done the best way to facilitate success later on.

In my former career - Information Technology - I was often called upon to find creative solutions to difficult situations, sometimes because earlier actions were taken that either could have been done better or perhaps should not have been taken at all.

In my pursuit of financial independence, there are indeed many decision points, and they arise every day, in every set of actions that need to be taken. As I'm going through this, I find myself going less on experience, being new at this, and more on gut feel and what seems to be logical to me.

So, to continue the titular metaphor, I end up cutting many crooked furrows in the effort to plow this field.

Yes, I'd like very much to be better prepared. Still, forward progress brings the new experiences from which I learn.

So, just as the quality of my blog posts improves as I gain experience writing, so the quality of my decision making improves as I gain experience making these decisions.

My dear readers, give yourself permission to learn, permission to make mistakes, and permission to learn from those mistakes and do better as you go along.

The way some of us were raised, that is perhaps a bit challenging. I understand - I live with that, also. Seek advice from some one you trust to help you get through the challenges of the past and break out forward, into your future - a better, brighter future with fewer worries about finances and income.

Let's do it together!

We'll talk again soon!

Take care - be well!

Much Success!

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