Gee - we ARE getting these posts a bit more often now! Super Cool!
Direct Mail Update:
The response to my direct mail effort was, well, underwhelming. For an untargetted mailing, though, it's within reasonable expectations. So, I'm not concerned. I will just push that down on my list of marketing efforts in terms of effectiveness.
I have, however, discovered something which HAS proven useful: Craig's List.
Now, the most effective ads are the paid ads: job ads. They're $25 per category, and you can post the same ad to more than one category. They just just don't like it when you post the same ad to multiple geographic areas. Guess they don't believe in covering a lot of bases at once.
Still, even these ads are not as effective as one might like. I do get responses, but mostly these are from people who are not looking for anything other than a job. They just want to come in, go over their resume with you, fill out your application, apply for benefits and start collecting regular paychecks.
That's what makes this such a crooked furrow - it's a learn-by-doing type of experience.
So, that said, I developed a new Craig's List ad based on the results of some members of my investors' group who said they were getting the best response from bandit signs advertising for sales rep.'s.
I posted an ad on Craig's List titled, "Sales Rep.'s Needed". The ad read like this:
Must be comfortable working for 100% commission as an independent business person. No travel, work from home. Training on products is provided. Must be comfortable generating your own leads. We have a few to get you started and training on lead generation is provided. Licensing fee required, no other up-front money. Commissions are unexpectedly good. Details provided during training.
I thought was appropriate because the real estate school this revolves around does pay referral fees or commissions. It's about as close as one can come to any kind of opportunity which pays its own way. I do have to cover my own marketing costs, as would anyone else. So, there is some expense incurred aside from the licensing fee.
I did get one very promising response the first time I ran that ad. He's currently in a sales position and has construction and construction supervision in his background. If he has an entrepreneurial spirit as well, I think he'll not only come on board with us, I think he'll do very well. One of the group leaders was also in construction - remodelling, actually. So, these two will have a lot to talk about if he comes on baord with us.
So that's my current status. I did sign up for the basic classes offered by the real estate school. I started that today.
I'll also be keeping up my marketing efforts.
Follow along with me. The best is yet to come!
Your comments are always welcome!
We'll talk again soon!
Take care - be well!
Much Success!