Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Value of Education

Not long ago, I found out about a Real Estate Investing website called Bigger Pockets (.com, of course!). This was also posted on that site's discussions area.

Hello! David J. here again with more of the steps on my journey to financial independence.

Yes - it's been a while since last we met here on the blog. Things are happening and I'm just now catching up a bit.

This post is going to be a bit unpopular on Bigger Pockets because it's about education - Real Estate Investing education. The site as a whole has rather a strong sentiment against paying for education.

To some degree, that's understandable. Real Estate Investing education has rather a bad reputation. It's generally considered VASTLY overpriced and it's also considered to over-promise and under-deliver.

In fact, the thought which inspired me to write this post came from watching part of a Than Merrill ad on TV. He's talking about fixing and flipping which, in the current seller's market, is a bit more challenging than it has been. If that's one's primary - or only - strategy, seeking properties to fit one's strategy is equally challenging, whereas if one knows multiple strategies one can approach a property and be able to determine which strategy, if any, would be most suitable. After all, not every property can be done profitably.

Of course, education is about more than real estate investing. It's about the kind of education none of us gets in the school system: entrepreneurial education, business education (beyond Wall Street, that is) and, of course, financial education.

Of those, financial education is probably the most important.

One can scan these blogs and discussions and find lots of examples of those who are experiencing challenges which could have been avoided thru a modicum of financial education.

Some folks post about not being able to get another mortgage because lenders say they already have too many in their own name.

Some folks post about needing to find funding for their deals because they lack the resources on their own.

Some folks post about deals where the costs have mounted up to a point beyond the profit they calculated from the deal.

Some folks post about being overwhelmed by the accounting and bookkeeping demands of their real estate business.

Some folks post about how a deal went sour and they lost a good chunk of change.

Now, you can learn how to deal with all of these through the experiences themselves and from the experiences of others. Not the fastest or most economical method of learning, but certainly effective over time and there's no up-front expense.

Then again, how much money can you afford to not spend?

"What's that?", you may say. "How can I lose money by not spending it?"

Can you lose $50,000 or more on a deal gone bad? Of course you can! Easily, if you have not yet learned how to avoid it.

Can you make mistakes in the course of a deal that may lead to penalties or even serious charges? Of course you can! Easily, and some of those mistakes can lead to penalties on a par with some felonies.

Can you - and your partners! - lose your property or properties in a lawsuit, even your own and your family's personal possessions like your home, your vehicles, tools, bank accounts, and more? Of course you can! Easily. We unfortunately live in a society where litigation is viewed as a source of windfall profits.

So, the choice to go forward and do-it-yourself without advanced education is a personal choice. It is a serious choice and needs to be considered carefully.

Weigh the risks compared to the benefits:
  • Learn to avoid common, simple mistakes and the penalties to which they can lead, some of which can be severe.
  • Learn to protect your possessions and assets from lawsuits and liabilities.
  • Learn to select the investing strategy appropriate to a property - even if the only appropriate strategy is to move on to the next property - rather than limiting your property choices to those suitable for the strategy(-ies) you know.
  • Learn how to make your real estate investing a business which runs without you, even when you're sick or taking a well-earned vacation.
  • Learn to make your real estate business profitable and how to keep more of your earnings rather than lose them to taxes thru missed deductions and other financial missteps.
  • Learn how to turn your real estate business into an inheritable legacy for your loved ones.
Real Estate Investing Education isn't just about doing deals.

It's about finance, business and entrepreneurship as well. It's about being a well rounded business owner, a successful entrepreneur and a happier leader of your team and head of your family.

If you're interested in education which under-promises and over-delivers, drop me a note privately and we can talk "off-line".

We'll talk again!

Take care - be well!

Much Success!