Friday, May 13, 2011


Hello! David J here again bringing you more of the steps on my journey toward financial independence.

Welcome back to the blogosphere!

This post, I want to relate some of what life hands us as we go along.

It is said that "Life Happens". Indeed it does, and yours truly does not escape that.

There was no April 2011 post on this blog. My apologies. Life did indeed happen.

It not only happened, it ended.

Not my life, of course, but someone very dear to me - my own Mother.

Mom was 98, and very much in need of a constant companion in her final weeks. Initially, I'd moved in with her expecting my finances to come crashing down, but with the new job back in September of 2010, I was able to stay afloat. Then, another job came along, and good thing it did. Little did I know that it would make possible my brief stint as Mom's live-in, full-time caregiver. They let me work remotely which was more of a blessing than I can express.

I'd never before been this close to an almost centenarian, so I had no idea how it can go for people of advanced years. In her last weeks, she barely knew who I was. In her last days, she wasn't even sure who she was. In her last hours, she reached out to the objects of her Faith and begged their intercession. When she did finally go, I could almost feel her relief because her trial in this world was finally over.

If you're ever called upon to be of service to someone who needs you, I hope you'll embrace the challenge, and do so with relish. Watching her waste away was by far the most heartbreaking experience of my life, but being there and taking care of her was almost as if I was meant to be there.

I didn't always know what I was doing. Heck, I made most of it up as I went, and yeah - I screwed up a LOT! Still, it all came to me as if I'd done it for years and had only to reach inside myself to remember.

While watching her final moment of life was an experience I will not soon forget, I really can't imagine a more rewarding experience than being there for Mom when she needed me.

So, that's my post for this round - short and to the point.

It's been said by so many, but I'll say it anyway: Be A Servant

I mean that - truly a servant. Give of yourself with no expectation of return or recompense. We each have a gift inside us, a gift that someone around us will someday need. When that day comes, your purpose will be fulfilled when you give that gift because that is why you have it: to fill the other person's need. Only you can give that gift - no one else has it to give.

I believe that a part of my purpose is to be here and share with you my experiences along my journey. Please consider me your servant!

We'll talk again soon!

Take care - be well!

Much Success!